Wednesday, October 28, 2009

"How can I improve my credit score fast"- a common question | mortgage series Part 5

"How can I improve my credit score fast?" -- Arizona mortgage company helps  provide an answer

This is part five of a five-part series on the mortgage lending process. In the first 4 parts of this series Arizona  loan officer Craig A. Bohall took us on a journey that began with an introduction to the mortgage process, followed by "thinking like an underwriter" to get your loan approved, the "4 C's" of mortgage lending (with a 5th "bonus C"),  the important " when do I lock my interest rate," and finally In part  5 Craig will talk about what's on many people's minds: "how can I improve my credit score fast?"

Credit repair is not something that can be accomplished overnight.  If you are applying for a loan from an Arizona  mortgage company  there are certain things you should understand.  Craig will take you on a video tour and provide tips on improving your credit to help you get a mortgage loan.

Credit repair will help you in the mortgage lending process.  Credit is made up of five primary categories:

  1.  payment history
  2.  amounts owed
  3.  blanks of credit
  4.  new versus old credit
  5.  types of credit

This video will help you start the process of repairing your credit that you can purchase a home.

An introduction from the first video in the series:

My primary lender, Craig Bohall with Academy Mortgage, and I decided it was time to produce a series on the mortgage lending process.  There are many mortgage companies and lenders on the scene, and it's important for buyers (especially first-time buyers) to understand the  lending process.

We used Craig's lending experience and my video camera / production knowledge to produce a five-part series on the lending process. Craig has been involved in the real estate industry for 15 years, but he specifically has been a loan officer for the past eight years.  Craig has worked for several Arizona mortgage companies and has found a home at Academy Mortgage.  I would highly recommend Craig if you are looking for a real estate loan in the state of Arizona.  Picking the wrong mortgage company can cause a lot of grief.

  Still wondering "how can I improve my credit score fast?"

Part 4 of the series

Entire Series

Get a Mortgage Loan Approved

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